Dog Obedience Classes
- Puppy Preschool 8-16 weeks
- K9 Kinder 4 to 6 months
- Juvenile Class 6-12months
Puppy preschool
Puppy preschool is an essential first step to developing a friendly pet and it is a great idea for every new puppy. We offer 4-week courses throughout the year consisting of 1-hour lessons each week for puppies aged 8-16 weeks. The all-important puppy imprinting period. Puppies need at least one vaccination to attend.
Puppy preschool at Westvets provides a clean indoor, safe and supervised environment for your puppy to interact with other puppies and develop crucial socialisation skills. The course incorporates lessons such as basic commands and obedience, controlled play, health care and basic first aid, as well as the essential socialisation with other dogs and people. This time can also serve to familiarise your puppy with our vet clinic, making their future visits for their annual check-ups a happy encounter. The basic obedience learnt during these classes can also serve as the foundation towards more advanced obedience training.
Following a course of Puppy Preschool, we recommend K9 Kinder.
K9 Kinder Classes
K9 Kinder Classes (for puppies from 16 weeks to 6 months) are designed for the puppy that missed the key socialisation period or those that need a refresher or more work. We are expecting a little more as they are in a different developmental phase, so we will work on more focus with our behaviours. These classes are based on the early development of desirable traits and obedience, while providing ongoing exposure to new dogs and people. Four-week, one-hour structured classes are offered where all participants start and progress together. Kinder participants need at least one vaccination to start.
Following the K9 Kinder Puppy Classes, the Juvenile Classes (6 months to 1 year) are designed to target the individual dog and owner’s needs, focusing on the dog’s temperament and behaviour. We cover topics and/or commands such as teaching the dog to heel, return to heel, walk on lead without pulling, sit, stay, down, down-stay, heel, walking through doorways and control exercises for sociability. All dogs must be fully vaccinated to attend. Group classes are kept to a small number of participants so that each client is ensured individual quality attention. We tailor the class to your and your dog’s needs.
Puppy Preschool Classes are conveniently held at both our Anstead and Marburg Practices. A must for any new puppy owner.
K9 Kinder and Juvenile Classes are held at our Marburg Site with ample parking, all classes are fun, informative and valuable for your dog’s continuing behaviour and development.
For more information, please phone us.
Anstead (07)3202 7300 | Marburg (07)5464 4422